Hooked on React: Exploring Essential Hooks Through Everyday Tales from India

In React, hooks are functions that allow you to use state and other React features in functional components. They were introduced in React 16.8 to enable developers to use state and other React features without having to write a class.

Let's explore some of the key React hooks through an easy-to-understand story set in India: 

useState Hook:


In a bustling market in Delhi, a street vendor sells colorful balloons. He uses a hook attached to his cart to keep the balloons organized and accessible.


1. State Management: useState hook allows functional components to hold and manage state data.

2. Initialization: It initializes the state with an initial value.

3. State Update: It provides a way to update the state value.

4. Pure Function: It's a pure function that doesn't interfere with the component rendering.

5. Multiple States: You can use useState multiple times within a single component to manage different pieces of state.

useEffect Hook:


In a small village in Kerala, a farmer relies on the weather for his crops. He hangs a wind chime outside his hut. When the wind chime rattles, he knows it's going to rain.


1. Side Effects: useEffect hook allows performing side effects in functional components, like data fetching, subscriptions, or manually changing the DOM.

2. Component Lifecycle: It combines the functionalities of componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount in class components.

3. Dependency Array: It takes an optional dependency array as a second argument to conditionally run the effect.

4. Cleanup: It provides a cleanup mechanism to handle tasks like unsubscribing or cleaning up timers.

5. Asynchronous Effects: It can handle asynchronous operations within the effect.

useContext Hook:


In a joint family in Rajasthan, everyone gathers around a central courtyard for discussions. A wise elder sits at the center, and everyone listens to his advice.


1. Global State: useContext hook allows accessing context directly in functional components, making it easier to share state between components.

2. Avoids Prop Drilling: It helps avoid prop drilling by providing a way to access values deep in the component tree without passing props down manually.

3. Context Consumer: It consumes the nearest context matching the provided context object.

4. Simple API: It simplifies the usage of context compared to using contextType or Context.Consumer in class components.

5. Context Update: It automatically rerenders the component when the context value changes.

These stories and explanations provide a glimpse into how React hooks work in the context of everyday scenarios, making it easier to understand their purpose and usage.

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