Revision Of Python Basics - Features And Limitations


In this post we are going to revise the basics of Python. Python is an open source - programming-oriented (OOP) language object, which is easy to parse and use. It is a high level and general purpose programming language that can be used for designing different types of applications ranging from simple programs (for solving mathematical problems) to complex once (for example, software, web - based applications, 3D applications, etc.). We have already learnt the basic terminology such as variables, operators, expressions, of Python Programming Laguage in the previous post 📯.

Let us learn and revise some more useful programming constructs. 

Fact - Guido Van Rossum developed Python in the late 1980s in The Neatherland.

Features Of Python

Some feature of Python Programming are as follows.

1. Python is a simple language: Learning and using Python is easy as it uses simple English words and is not very rigid. That is why it is considered a better option for beginners.

2. Python is platform  independent: A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs. Python can run on different platforms such as Linux, Windows, Mac OS, etc., and thus is a platform - independent language. It does not require a special software or hardware to be installed.

3. Python is an object - oriented language: Python follows an object - oriented approach and uses the concept of classes and objects.

4. Python is an extensible and integrated: Python has the flexibility of code written in other languages such as C/C++ to be incorporated in it. We can merge the code written in these languages in our Python Programs and run them.

5. Python is free and an open source: As mentioned earlier, Python is available on the Internet free of cost and can easily be downloaded from Python's Official website. The source code of Python is also available. Thus, it is an open-source language.

6. Python is an interpreted language: Python uses an interpreter to run programs. The interpreter translates the program line by line which make the progress of debugging easier.

7. Python has a built IDLE: Python has an inbuilt IDLE (Integrated Development And Learning Environment) using which Python Program can be easily written, debugged and run within the same window.

Limitations Of Python

Although Python is an easy to learn and a very popular object - oriented language, it still suffers from some limitations. Let us learn about these limitations.

1. Slow speed: The execution speed of a program is slower in Python compared to other object - oriented programming languages like C++ or Java

2. Not suitable for mobile applications: Python is not considered efficient or suitable enough for developing applications to be run on mobile phones.

3. High memory consumption: Python data types occupy more space, thus Python is not considered as a good option for developing intensive memory related applications.

4. Restricted database access: Python has limitations while working with database applications. Its database access layer is some that underdeveloped and primitive.  

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