Kotlin Basics: A Simple Program Explained

Kotlin Basics: A Simple Program Explained Kotlin Logo

Kotlin is a modern, statically typed programming language that has gained popularity for its concise syntax and safety features. In this blog post, we will walk through a simple Kotlin program to understand its basic concepts and syntax.

The Kotlin Program

class Hello {
    companion object {
        fun main(args: Array) {
            // Method call and print result
            println("The sum is ${add(5, 10, 5)}")

The entry point of a Kotlin program is the main function. In this program, it is defined inside a companion object with the @JvmStatic annotation, which makes it a static method. The println function is used to print the result of the add method.

            // Variables in Kotlin 
            // Always starts with capital letter unless using Java for both primitive and non-primitive types
            // Int, String, Boolean, Float, Double, Long, Char, Byte, Short 

            var a: Int = 13
            var b: String = "Hello"
            var c: Boolean = true
            var d: Float = 13.0f
            var e: Double = 13.0
            var f: Long = 13
            var g: Char = 'A'
            var h: Byte = 13
            var i: Short = 13

            // println(a)

Kotlin supports both mutable and immutable variables. Mutable variables are declared with var and can be reassigned, while immutable variables are declared with val and cannot be reassigned after their initial assignment. Here are examples of various types of variables declared in Kotlin:

            // Difference Between Var & Val
            // Val is used as final keyword like in Java & Var value can be reassigned
            // Val can't be overridden & Var can be overridden 

            val j = 13
            // j=135 // Uncommenting this line will cause an error because val cannot be reassigned
            // println(j)

In Kotlin, var is used to declare mutable variables, which means their value can be changed later. val, on the other hand, is used to declare read-only variables (similar to final in Java), and their value cannot be changed once assigned.

            // Conditional Statements in Kotlin 
            // If, Else, When, For, While, Do While, Break, Continue, Try, Catch, Finally, Throw, Try

            // If 
            var num1 = 100
            var num2 = 200

            // Using if-else expression
            var msg = if (num1 > num2) "num1 is greater than num2" else "num1 is less than or equal to num2"

            // An example of an if-else ladder (currently incomplete in the original code)
            if (num1 > 100) {
                println("num1 is greater than 100")
            } else if (num1 == 100) {
                println("num1 is equal to 100")
            } else {
                println("num1 is less than 100")

Kotlin supports traditional conditional statements like if and else. Here's an example of an if-else expression:

            // When
                1 -> println("One")
                2 -> println("Two")
                3 -> println("Three")
                100 -> println("100 h yeh")
                else -> println("Invalid number")

The when expression in Kotlin can be used as a replacement for the switch statement in Java. It allows for a more readable and concise syntax when dealing with multiple conditions.

            //For and For Each
            //Until is use to print 1 less value and downTo is use to decrement the value
            var num3=0
            for(i in 1..10 step 2){
                println("no is ${num3++}")

Kotlin provides various types of loops to iterate over ranges, arrays, or other collections. Here's an example of a for loop that iterates from 1 to 10 with a step of 2, printing the value of num3 on each iteration.

            var num4=10
            while(num4<20 code="" is="" no="" num4="" println="">

This while loop continues to execute as long as num4 is less than 20, incrementing and printing num4 on each iteration.

            //Do While
            var num5=10
                println("no is ${num5++}")
            }while(num5<20 code="">

This do-while loop executes at least once and continues to execute as long as num5 is less than 20, incrementing and printing num5 on each iteration.

        // Methods in Kotlin 

        // Method for addition of two numbers
        fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
            println("Addition of two numbers")
            return a + b

        // Method overloading for addition of three numbers
        fun add(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int): Int {
            println("Addition of three numbers")
            return a + b + c

Kotlin supports defining functions, including overloaded functions. Here, we have two versions of the add function: one that takes two parameters and another that takes three. The first method adds two integers, while the second method adds three integers. Both methods print a message before returning the result.


This simple Kotlin program demonstrates the basic syntax and features of the language, including variable declarations, conditional statements, loops, and methods. Kotlin's concise and expressive syntax makes it a powerful language for modern programming, especially for Android development.

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