How To Make Alarm Clock Using Python


In this post we are going to make a alarm clock ⏰ using Python. We need to install Tkinter, Datetime, Winsound, Time, Daterime Winsound, Time are pre installed in your computer. If you don't know 🤷‍♀ how to install Tkinter don't worry I will tell you type "pip install tkinter" in your command prompt or terminal

from tkinter import *
import datetime
import time
import winsound
def alarm(set_alarm_timer):
    while True:
        current_time =
        now = current_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
        date = current_time.strftime("%d/%m/%y")
        print("The Set Date Is: ", date)
        if now == set_alarm_timer:
            print("Time to wake up")
            winsound.PlaySound("sound.wav", winsound.SND_ASYNC)
def actual_time():
    set_alarm_timer = f"{hour.get()}:{min.get()}:{sec.get()}"

clock = Tk()
clock.title("DataFlair Alarm Clock")
time_format=Label(clock, text="Enter time in 24 hour format!", fg="red" ,bg="black",font="Arial").place(x=60, y=120)
addTime = Label(clock,text = "Hour Min Sec", font=60).place(x = 110)
setYourAlarm = Label(clock,text ="When to wake up", fg="blue", relief = "solid", font=("Helevetica", 7, "bold")).place(x=0, y=29)
hour = StringVar()
min = StringVar()
sec = StringVar()
hourTime= Entry(clock,textvariable = hour,bg = "pink", width=15).place(x=110, y=30)
minTime= Entry(clock,textvariable = min,bg = "pink", width=15).place(x=150,y=30)
secTime= Entry(clock,textvariable = sec,bg = "pink",width=15).place(x=200,y=30)
submit = Button(clock,text = "Set Alarm", fg="red", width=10, command = actual_time).place(x=110,y=70)

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