CBSE Class 10, Class 12 Date Sheet 2021 - 2022 Term 1 will be objective type and the duration of the tests will be 90 minutes. The exams will commence from 11:30 AM Due to winter Season CBSE will today release the datasheet for classes 10 and 12 offline in November - December Candidates can check the date sheet on the official's website - From this year, CBSE will conduct 2 board examinations instead of the one annual exam pattern followed till last year. The two exams for secondary and senior secondary students will be conducted in February - March 2022. The term one exam concludes the result in the form of the mark sheet will be declared. However, no students will be placed in the pass, compartments, and essential repeat categories after the first term, the final results will be declared after the first and the second term exam.